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Take Your FREE Personality Test Now!

Mind Balance is your personal space for self-discovery, reflection, growth and improvement.
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Fun.  Free. Powerful!

Fun. Free. Powerful!

Mind Balance is a fun and easy way to unleash your full potential! Improve your mindset with great videos, tasks, recommended books and movies and more, as you earn gems, stars, avatars and unlock new levels of mental mastery!

Fun.  Free. Powerful!
Proven results

Proven results

Identifying and removing weaknesses in your personality can lead to better coping strategies, improved relationships, enhanced school or career prospects, increased self-esteem, better decisions, improved mental and physical health and so much more!

Personalized growth

Personalized growth

Start with a self-assessment test and discover weaknesses in your personality or jump right into watching specific videos in areas you know you need help!

Personalized growth
Stay motivated

Stay motivated

Progress at your own speed 24/7 in your own or create a support group of your friends and/or family for encouragement and motivation.

Amazing reports

Amazing reports

Track your results with graphical reports! Discover not only your strengths and weaknesses, but watch your progression forward as your scores on personality traits continue to improve!

Amazing reports
Become your idol

Become your idol

Gandhi, Earhart, Musk, Teresa, King, Einstein, Da Vinci.. Simply take the self assessment test and then select one of hundreds of famous people. Once complete, we will then display their personality traits, and prepare a detailed plan based on your test results, to help you become more like them!

Integrated journal

Integrated journal

Monitor your goals, personality traits your working on, strategies and tasks your employing, challenges you overcome, positive feedback your getting and more!

Integrated journal
Share MindBalance

Share MindBalance

Whether your looking to increase your personal success and happiness, or wish to help another family member or friend, MindBalance is FREE! Share it with others and help everyone become the best they can be!

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